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Abundant Life in the Time of Covid-19


"I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." John 10:10 

When I think about how we are to live as believers, I often think of these words that Jesus spoke. We were not created to simply survive, but to live life in all of its fullness. But how do we do that when life as we know it has shut down completely? Do the things that bring you life. It might be something really simple like eating a bowl of chocolate ice cream or having a dance party in your kitchen or taking a walk outside. What makes your heart beat? What reminds you that you are alive? For me, it's listening to 80's soft rock and dancing around my house while singing at the top of my lungs (Whitney's "I wanna dance with somebody" has taken on a whole new meaning), it's FaceTime with my nephew and girlfriends, it's the warmth of the sun on my back and the fresh air filling my lungs as I make sure my neighbor can see that my eyes are smiling back as I pass by.  

Friends, life is real weird right now, and honestly, just plain hard at times, but, we are alive. As we wade through the swampy muck that is life in the era of Covid-19, with all of its unknowns, inconveniences, and for many, devastating losses, let's continue to grab onto the things that bring us life. And, as always, we want to be givers of life as well, so let's ask ourselves how our words and actions might (or might not) bring life to others. What does your neighbor need to hear or receive to be reminded of the abundant life they were created for? What opportunities do we have to remind those around us that they are fully alive, even in this moment?  

—Jen, AHM President

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