Surrounded by handmade scarves, gloves, baked goods and 8 faithful teammates I couldn't help but start off the night with a thankful heart for God's abundant provision.

We split into two teams and headed out to two different tracks.

Our team didn't even make it down half our track before the meet up time. There were a lot of women out and perhaps in the spirit of Christmas many of them were very receptive and even happy to meet us this cold winter night.  We were able to spend some good time with several women hearing their stories, sharing of ours and how the love of God has made a difference, and praying over them.

One of the highlights of the night was running into J, a young woman we have met several times now who always remembers my name :). She is a beautiful girl, so full of life. The first time we met she was afraid that of what I might pray for her and it turned out with good reason. I prayed that God would get her off the streets and she was arrested soon after! She really didn't want me to pray the second time...but I did :) And again, yesterday, for her and the two women with her. One we have also met before and the other whom I had never seen was much more reserved, probably new to the game, feeling vulnerable and fearful but following the other girls lead allowing us into her world in a small way.

The women received the gifts and prayer and J even exchanged numbers with me so I could call her when we are out. Please pray for this young woman, that she would truly believe God and take Him at His word.

Praise God for providing in so many ways and continuing to bless us as we follow His call and by His grace bring light into the darkness and hope to the hopeless.

Merry Christmas! 
